
Current Methods in cell biology (yearly)

A course traditionally taught by the cell biology and biophysics unit at EMBL Heidelberg. Keep your eyes open for the next one!

EIPP predoc course (yearly)

The first months of every EMBL predoctoral fellow are spent getting to know labs and techniques of all sites - and we are happy to show them what we are up to!

Expansion Microscopy Course

ExM, U-ExM, PanExM, CryoExM!
We will have experts on all of those and more techniques teaching. If your are interested in establishing expansion microscopy in your lab, this is a great place to start!

22 - 26 May 2023

5–19 April 2024

Projects outside the lab


We support preprinting - the posting of manuscripts to a “preprint server” prior to peer review for rapid and free dissemination.

Gautam is a bioRxiv affiliate, one of a group of volunteer scientists that screen preprints deposited to bioRxiv, and a 2020 ASAPbio Fellow.

Learn more about bioRxiv.

Curious about ASAPbio and the Fellows program?


The Dey lab writes for preLights, a community of scientists that regularly review and highlight preprints of interest to the broader community.

Read our preLights here!


The Dey Lab helps to run pombeTalks, a series of online research seminars organised by and for the global fission yeast research community.

Learn more about pombeTalks.

Some tips for organising online seminar series.

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Preprinting and pandemics have caused massive shifts in the science publishing landscape - can we quantify this? We’re particularly interested in how peer review has been affected.

Our first collaborative foray into bibliometrics.

Evaluating the efficacy of peer review.